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Felix dies of heart failure, lonely in his one-roomed apartment. As his spirit leaves his body he makes a surprising discovery. His spirit acts like a gas-filled balloon and stops when it reaches the ceiling. An inner voice makes him understand something: if he wants to successfully pass over he must somehow find a way to get out of this apartment and out of this building - but he is helpless and the windows are closed.

tomtomRank 4, Activity: 67%, Views: 4380, Language: English, 164 months ago
Splitstories: 1, Texts: 8, Images: 0, Authors: 2



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  • Vicky writes here

    0 Activity: 0%, Views: 1500, Chars: 17, 151 months ago

    Level: 2

  • He let go immediately and resumed his upward floating. Even from a great distance he could see she was…

    0 Activity: 0%, Views: 1470, Chars: 170, 164 months ago

    Level: 7